Closing Film
Boyz in the Wood
UK 2019 | 87 Min
Vier Teenagerjungs sollen, die meisten von ihnen nicht ganz freiwillig, die Duke of Edinburgh-Challenge absolvieren und so zu besseren Menschen werden: Der Bewerb sieht vor, dass sie ohne fremde Hilfe von Punkt A nach Punkt B durch die schottischen Highlands wandern. Als wäre das nicht schon Herausforderung genug, werden sie von schießwütigen Aristokraten verfolgt, die Jagd auf die Burschen machen. Ninian Doffs sensationelles Langfilm-Debüt Boyz in the Wood ist eine satirisch unterfütterte Klassenkampf-Actionkomödie, bis in die Nebenrollen schillernd besetzt – unter anderem mit Kate Dickie und Eddie Izzard – und angetrieben von einem fantastischen Hip Hop-Soundtrack (und halluzinogenen Hasen-Köteln).
Ninian Doff
is a robot built by the military as an advanced ruthless killing machine. Unfortunately when they booted him up he showed no interest in murder and to their dismay started making films instead. He has won multiple awards with his shorts, commercials, and music videos for Run The Jewels, Chemical Brothers and many others. His work has been screened in festivals worldwide. He also has the Bronze medal in Duke of Edinburgh Award but failed to get Silver the following year due to not caring and going skateboarding instead. Boyz in the Wood is his debut feature.
is a robot built by the military as an advanced ruthless killing machine. Unfortunately when they booted him up he showed no interest in murder and to their dismay started making films instead. He has won multiple awards with his shorts, commercials, and music videos for Run The Jewels, Chemical Brothers and many others. His work has been screened in festivals worldwide. He also has the Bronze medal in Duke of Edinburgh Award but failed to get Silver the following year due to not caring and going skateboarding instead. Boyz in the Wood is his debut feature.
Sa, 28.09. | 20:30
So, 29.09. | 18:00