Urban Ghost Story

Described by Variety as “Ken Loach meets The Exorcist”, Urban Ghost Story is a contemporary ghost story set in a Glasgow tower block. Co-written and directed by Genevieve Jolliffe, it follows the uncanny experiences of 12-year-old Lizzie, who after almost dying in car crash, begins to experience poltergeists, possession and the interest of parapsychologists. Jolliffe fielded responses from financiers including “who’s directing? She can’t do it, she has no experience” and “what about [producer] Chris Jones directing instead, then we’d finance it”. But she’d had “experiences with the paranormal, my grandmother was a medium and I loved horror”. Jolliffe persevered and made the film, which went on to win a number of festival awards.
In attendance of Genevieve Jolliffe.
After producing Living Spirit’s first two features, Genevieve jumped into the director’s chair for their third, Urban Ghost Story. “I have always wanted to direct and I saw producing as simply a means to an end” she comments, ‘I wanted my first feature to be much more than just a horror movie, I wanted it to ooze a creepy atmosphere whilst remaining firmly in reality. Ghost stories are only genuinely chilling when you feel that they could be true - hence the heavy reliance on research and true events within the story.”