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/♥ Female Terror

“There are really, very few women horror filmmakers working today, that’s why so few are coming up.” “But women were never out there making horror films, that’s why they are not written about – you can’t include what doesn’t exist.““Women are just not that interested in making horror films.” “How can you be a woman and be a fan of horror?” “There are really, very few women horror filmmakers working today, that’s why so few are coming up.”

This is what you get when you are a woman working in horror, whether as a critic, academic, festival programmer or filmmaker. These assumptions are based on decades of flawed scholarly, critical and industrial thinking about the genre.

Female Terror is an opportunity to begin to set right these misconceptions, exploring a range of woman-directed horror films from the 1950s to the present day, from North America, Europe and East Asia. Come and join us as we explore what happens to horror filmmaking when women are behind the camera, rather than just in front of it.

Alison Peirse